Kelly Bosch (blog post #2)
Group Presentations Blog ( Happiness: Self-Care & Good eating, Paying it Forward, What it does for society) Group #1: Group 1 discussed happiness and what it does for society. They were assigned chapters 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8. They mentioned how happiness can have a positive impact and negative impact in several different ways. The four subtopics were, what happiness does for society from a health standpoint, what happiness does for the economy, what happiness does for society from a social point, and how happiness in education affects the society. I liked how this group included many videos and really liked the questions they asked the audience at the end. They really tried to engage with the audience and I thought it was nice to see everyone share some personal experiences. It was lovely to see everyone talking freely. They also had a lot of evidence and reasoning to back themselves up and it was very interesting to see the statistics as well. In the end, group 1 d...