Melanie Cruz - Blog Post 2


This right here is a "Hot Pocket" but what we're here to talk about it HOT TOPICS. 

I would like to believe that we lived in a world where talking about health, hobbies, self care, wasn't so divisive. Though, I do like conflict (I thank Tyra Banks for getting me addicted to America's next top model)  But, I like seeing how we humans divert conflict and find good in the storm... Basically, I like seeing how all three acts of a situation play out in real life. 

 With that said: we don't live in a world where everything is perfect. In biblical terms, we live in a world of 'sin' and thats basically the overall answer for those who ask, "But why is there so much bad in the world?" 

Amidst of this 'sin' I am glad that we humans try to look at the bright side, even if the sky is cloudy. 

(Even if it's entertaining... thanks Tyra.) 

When speaking about health, hobbies quality time and rest,  we can infer that these things are heavily integrated with one another because our health to some may be a hobby. For example, my brother works out everyday for not only his health but it is a hobby for him. 

Then, we also have quality time which is another form of a hobby! For example, spending time with your best friend once a week  could be a hobby... but it's also quality time.

 So, with these two examples we see that these thing so similar. Hence why we saw repetition in the three speeches done by the three groups. It’s not a bad thing, I actually think the repetition is a good think because it gets us to remember things. But, at the end of the day these are are so vastly similar that literally only a thread divides them all. 

I like to think of nutrition, hobbies, quality time and rest as a lifestyle because we humans aren't meant to only eat celery for every meal, nor ice cream… It’s just not how we were made. 

Balance is great, but not just for ourselves. For society. 

An example could be that when elections roll around the corner, it seems that our communities are fixated on the polls, and who’s winning what state or district— but in between all of that commotion of politics, we really forget what’s actually going on in the world and our lives, and then there is not balance, and chaos continues to emerge. 

People deserve rest. 

Seems weird that I have to bold it, but I know quite a bit of people who don’t care for it. Even if you’re a workaholic you deserve rest. Even if you feel like you rest too much, that rest is needed. (not to be overdosed) but needed. 

Also, being in school— I’ve never realized how much I would cherish Saturdays and Sundays. It feels nice to have a day or two where I can focus on doing something that empowers my self in a different way that just isn’t academics. If it’s just me doing my hair, or talking to my friends, I’ll take it over anything. 

A little hyperbole for you there but its true! After you’ve had a hard week of work, just doing your hair is as close to heaven as you’re gonna get. 

Though, like what I was mentioning earlier with conflict, there are always two sides of a coin.

Self care is great, and so is putting others first but problem with putting others first is that we come last. But, after we take care of ourselves, then and only then can we truly give the attention society needs. 

Paying it forward video

And, society needs our attention. 

Lots of points I’m making today, but its true. It can’t just always be about us, we must also look at the greater good of everyone else. 

"Paying it forward" as said in group #2's speech, it dates back to "bible times" aka BC 317. I like to compare it to the stoplight system America has. 

The stop light system here in the states is something that hasn't changed. It's crazy to think about how fast foos chains have gone from you going inside of the resturant to picking up the food then, you going through a line in your car, to now where all we really have to do is wait in our cars and order the food through our phones. Systems like that have evolved but systems like paying it forward and the light system haven't. 


It works. 

And, we humans tend to get very bored very quickly, but for these two systems.... we don't get bored of them. 


They provide us constant satisfaction, and we just benefit from them on the daily that we never get bored of treating people nicely or going fast on a green light. Like what group #2 said, "It's easy to understand... It does not take a lot of effort... It provides hope for the future...." Which are factual points! 

The idea of helping others and just not only intentionally but just because form of habit is also a great feeling. Like, a teacher, or pastor (just a few out of he many careers) unintentionally pays it forward everyday by just doing their job! isn’t that a great thought? someones job is solely dedicated to helping people and creating a better place for the world. 

I liked one of the questions in group #2’s presentation where they mentioned “if you could look back at a specific moment you regret, you didn’t ‘pay it forward’” and I think back to the response that I gave about not opening the door for a guy. 

I never thought that would be a problem I would find within myself but it was! When someone opens the door for me (guy or girl) I feel very enlightened and happy that like, people still do that. So, when I didn’t do it . It shocked me. 

In conclusion, I’d like to say that I’ve very much enjoyed all three presentation and am very grateful that we could all discover the vast meanings of “Happiness”. 

-Melanie Cruz 


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